Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Offer No Apologies

...for the lack of blogging. I've had surgery. I'm recovering. I've been catching up with homework. What I do promise is a soon coming post on the full story of my...story. Everyone's been asking about what I've gone through and how I'm doing, so I'm just about ready to start a website. Also, I plan to post Cafeteria Recipes. How to make your own food when the menu just won't do.

"Did you know your head weighs 8 pounds? So whenever I weigh myself I deduct 8 pounds."
-Esther Gary


Alanna said...

"Cooking With Sam" - Can't wait! :) Looking forward to reading your "story" too. And just think - surely we are half way through this semester! :) And Esther must not be a materialist...lol.

Ike said...

Ha! At least you offered up an "I offer no apologies". I haven't even blogged about not blogging.
Unless...this counts...


TKB said...

*snort* Ike...your, well...dumb.

Anyway, I might have suggestions for your recipes section.

...and here along I've thought I should only deduct 5 max. I'm sooo uping it to 8! (I just lost 3 pounds by reading this - yes!)