Monday, December 21, 2009

My Body Feels Weird But My Heart Is Happy

So I sit on here on the beloved couch with my head feeling kinda weird. Maybe it's the long road trip, or the amount of reading I've done, or the Percocet I took today. The absolute most wonderful news is that I'm home, and there's no feeling like it, and for the first time in my life the words of that great Christmas song, "I'll be home for Christmas" ring true for me. I'm home from the hospital. I was released a little early actually - yesterday. Spent Wednesday feeling horribly sick and Thursday morning in a little under 3 hours of surgery. Right now I'd very much like to avoid thinking about the three days after surgery in which I was in Christ Hospital. I encountered a man who I think holds the nation's record for loudest snorer. I also endured not being able to sleep, lots of pain, needles, nausea, beeping machines, and lots of other stuff I'm blocking out of my memory or refuse to talk about publicly. And through it all I'm glad that I have found strength in Jesus and am so thankful for all the people who love me. I still am dealing with pain, discomfort and lack of consistent gastrointestinal activity. But the happy outweighs the sad, and when we got home I took my niece Briana on a tour of Grandma's house and we had bonding time and I made her smile. I held her and read my book later on too. It's so nice to shower and get all clean, eat Chinese food, and spend time with my family. Please ignore my grammar as I am currently on drugs. Also, please keep praying for my recovery that I will not have so much pain and that my bowel movements will be regular once again.

My toes are cold. I have to go put socks on.



Dorcas said...

So, so glad to hear that you are "HOME"! What wonderful news & to know that you came through surgery. Hopefully all the plumbing repairs (:o) will start functioning normally once again. So sorry for all you've endured the last several months. Wish we could see you all while you're home. If not, tell the family Merry Christmas for us! Love to all & to all a goodnight!!

Dani said...

Dear Sam, I hope to see you while you're home. I'm sorry for the pain of the past few months, but grateful that Jesus is holding on to you.

Alanna said...

Hey Sam! Sending prayers your way for a quick recovery and a restful rest of break. :)