Saturday, August 1, 2009

I Have A Plan

I can count on my fingers the amount of suspense/horror movies I've seen in my lifetime. Problem is, horror movies are so impacting that you just remember them for a long time. Throw in my creative and imaginative mind and you can just arrest my attention. But I have a plan to rid the world of horror movies and suspenseful, scary scenes in movies. Frankly, if the characters in horror movies followed these rules, there would be no basic plot to the movie. Please don't be's simple.

1. Always, and I repeat, always call for backup. Police. Friends. Whoever.
2. Do not under any circumstances open the door. Especially when they knock and ring and don't respond to, "Who is it?"
3. Don't answer the phone. No, really, don't! It's probably some breathy, raspy, creepy voice on the other end. Or possibly dead air.
4. Never investigate any lights, noises, or movement. Don't ask why.
5. Never be curious! Ever! Curiosity kills. Cats too.
6. Do not even think about going inside the house. It's a death wish.
7. Never investigate the scary unknown. Be apathetic and content to just shrug it off.
8. Never split the group up for any reason. This may work in action adventure if you have a cunning plan, but not in the horror genre.
9. Do not make impulsive decisions. Think rationally. Slow down and let your brain work, not your emotions.
10. Stay away from any weird, creepy animals or people.
11. Avoid dark, isolated places. Move someplace sunny. When was the last place the set of a horror movie was sunny with lots of people?
12. Never go anyplace without a GPS, you inevitably will turn the wrong way.

(Add more as comments)

Beware: Topic Change

So I'm thrilled about my brother Jon coming to my college this fall. I was kind of having pleasant thoughts about it earlier in the summer when I found out, but now I'm really pumped about it. He and I are going to be rooming together, so after two years of college and last years fantabulous roommate, I have my brother as a college roommate. It'll be dope showing him the ropes. And as normal, it won't be a problem dealing with him. Right Jon? Right!?? I'm just kidding. But no, the more I think of it the more I see, "Jon, pick up your socks!" "Hey Jon, there's milk in the fridge and you're welcome to it anytime, but you're buying next week." Not to mention, when we want it to be, it can be our castle, our home, our world.

I anticipate good things.


Megobuddy said...

13. Always tell others about the weirdness, even if you foresee them laughing at you.
14. In a chase don't go so far out into the boonies. Drive 50 times around the same block if you have to - but stay around light and people! (See number 11)
15. Always psychoanalyse your teens. If they are abnormal in behavior don't leave your younger children with them alone.
16. (This is a duh, but so many people forget) Don't trust strangers or take advantage of their "kind" gestures.
17. If even one person warns you of your new home being haunted, just take their word for it and find a different house.
18. If the situation is anything like your dreams you won't be able to run, so always carry mace.
19. Stay away from glowing green lights (it typically indicates aliens).

I think I'll stop now.

JDM said...

Haha. Horror movies are so predictable sometimes and that's coming from a guy that's only seen a couple.
Sure thing bro. The time is soon approaching. I really don't want to even think about starting to pack. lol.

Stanton said...

Dude,... are you TRYING to kill Hollywood? For real bro! :D Actually I haven't watched that many horror movies myself. But in real life I hope your list comes back to me in a time of need lol

amber said...

-no couples should pair off from the group...they are always the first ones to go
-no girl should ever try to run away through the woods...she falls at least 34 times and the killer catches up to her

keith said...

I think the Jaws movies were horror movies and people were attacked when it was sunny and a lot of people were around.

Sam said...

Amber: Good rules.

Keith: I wonder what genre of movie "Jaws" falls under?

TKB said...

I'm going to print out and laminate that list...and read it as I watch "scary" movies. Then I'll have the freak out, along with some level-headedness, maybe then, when I'm in dire need it will all come back to me.
(Oh, and by "scary" I'm talking Jurassic Park and the like...nothing more, cuz that I can't handle.)