Thursday, August 7, 2008

Like a Little Kid

I'm not sure why we even call it Vacation Bible School!? Although that's okay, I usually wonder about such strange things. Canine feces, human urine and perspiration: that's what entered my olfactory factory last night as I worked on bus 1. I don't necessarily enjoy that, no. 50, 60, 70 kids. It's quite a job working with several others in maintaining order and limiting chaos. However, I love working in God's service.

Terrance tells me about his gold tooth and how he ate a bean burrito for supper, (which I found randomly hilarious). Jaire wants me to tell more jokes. Tyler tells me where his Grandma's house is. "How many more stops do we have?" "Is Jon your brother?" "Are you Bob the Builder?" "He won't leave me alone!" "Jack, sit down!" "Brandon, leave him alone." "Honey, turn around and sit down." "Get out of the window." And then despite the fact that I am "mean and calm" as one girl put it, I try to remember to smile.

I recall Jesus once said something like: Let the kids come to me, and don't stop them from coming. For the kingdom of God is made up of kids like this...If you want to enter Heaven, you must be like a little kid: with simple faith, and an eager, desperate and hungry heart.


Alanna said...

Great post. That is why I have a passion for kids. Their awe of life, their easy trust, their laughter and love - that is how I want to live. And I think that's how Jesus wants us to live. Good thoughts.

Dorcas said...

Good post Sam!! Patience is the name of the game here, right? And exactly where are your pictures of VBS???? I saw you Mom taking lots of pictures tonight, so I hope to see some soon. I want to post some more but it will have to be later!! You're doing a great job with the skit :o))

Phil & Sue Arnold said...

So...where are all these VBS pictures? I'd like to see them. By the way, is Ruth Anne still alive? Tell her she needs to call me. I think she has forgotten that I exist:) I hope you are having a good summer. It does tend to go by quickly. Sue A.

Dorcas said...

I just happened to scroll down your blog & see now you've added pictures of our VBS! Great job!!!