Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This is before my surgery. Right before I found out I had an incurable disease.

I'm at the hospital on my lunch break, (Just realized I used historical present tense for all you Greek scholars out there. Romans 7) Anyway, I just finished my chili and am sitting in a waiting area reading my book with the time I have left. This little boy trots up to the water fountain. Now he's about 5 years old and the same height as the fountain. His mother tags along behind him. He runs up to the fountain and turns it on and leans in. Then, a second later he turns around with a cringing look on his face and tells his mother, "Eww, up my nose."

I also went to Winton Woods Park a couple of weeks ago and on the way back passed a United Methodist Church that offered Yoga for parishioners on a weeknight and Meditation on Mondays at 7PM. I laughed incredulously.

And I just had the most amazing apple pie that my roommate made. I was impressed. Of course, he did call his mother on this whole ordeal. *strokes chin thoughtfully*


Whatevah happened to 'da distinction of 'da classes?

1 comment:

Ike said...

Yay! I'm on your blog!