Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Grab Your Scarf. It's Cold.

So Monday I was accused of wearing all black due to my alleged mourning over the cold weather. This comment was due to my appearance of black dress pants, shoes, and a black fleece coat. However, I had a colored dress shirt and tie on and found it very offensive, that two souls would accuse me of being a mournful scrooge in this season of happy dragon-breath blowing!


This morning I donned appropriate attire and went jogging, to Christ Hospital and back. Oh, what a burning in my lungs. It made me feel so very joggeresque, and horribly, pitifully sick, and yet so alive.

Confession: My sleeping pattern is all out of kilter. Monday: 2 hours. Tuesday: 15 hours. Wednesday: 3 hours.

Only 4 more weeks of school left. I just need a break so bad. The holidays approach, and I am doing everything in my power to stay above being a wreck.Let's run away.

Method #1: Lark's Head Knot
Length: Medium to Long.
Difficulty: 3
Fold scarf in half. Place your hand in the loop on the top end of the scarf, and then lay the scarf around your neck. Your right hand should still be in the loop and your left hand holding the two ends of the other end of the scarf. With your right hand grab the two ends and pull through them through the loop. Pull the scarf around your neck, while tugging down at the two ends, and adjust snugly according to your comfort.



Megobuddy said...

People really are quite funny with their ignorant comments.

And I must agree scarves are nice. Depending on whether one likes scarves at all, they are one way we "celebrate" the cold. I do like my new purple one!

Alanna said...

"Happy dragon-breath blowing" - :)
fyi - level out your sleeping pattern or you might not make it the 4 weeks. personally, I would prefer the 15 hours a day, but somehow that doesn't seem feasable. lol Stay encouraged. :)

Melissa Phelps said...

Next time you fill out an application for a job, you should so put scarf tying as one of your special skills... or ... not.

Lame. You went jogging without inviting your friends.

Sleep first. Then run away. Take the town car.

Lil Joe... said...

i have mastered this knot--let's learn another!!