Saturday, November 22, 2008

Quoting Rules

Yes, there are etiquette rules to quoting movies and other media recordings. These are unwritten and unspoken rules, well, until now that is. Please find the following list a helpful and incomplete review of how to properly quote movies and include them for much humor in your daily conversations.

Rule #1: Always use quotations to add humor to conversations.

Rule #2: Use quotations in context. This is very effective.

Rule #3: Always interrupt when you've just thought of a brilliant quote. Louder, generally equals better. Especially when preceded by an "Oh, oh, oh!" or a gleeful hand clapping.

Rule #4: Always mix and match your quotations so that outsiders will never know what you are talking about.

Rule #5: Make sure to look at people weird when they stare at you for quoting movies and laughing hysterically.

Rule #6: Feel free to break all rules, when at any moment you feel they would hinder a delightful conversation full of riotous laughter.

Rule#7: Make a game of it. Quote back and forth from different movies, shows, and episodes, always keeping a theme or context in the quoting. This is much fun and increases bonding among friends and family.

Rule #8: Random is good. Always quote from movies in any pattern you wish. Switch from movie to movie without any warning.



TKB said...

Rule #6 1/2: "No writing on walls. It is very hard to get writing off walls."

Stanton said...

I suspect I would be considered one of those "outsiders." You know, if I'm going to keep up I'm really going to have to watch more movies....

Anonymous said...

How about - quoting from Authors - BOOKS?
Like-Shakespeare? LOTR? Wind in the Willows? Alice in Wonderland? Plutarch? Alexander Pope? Kurt Vonnegut? Dr. Suess?
That would mix up almost everybody!!!

Lil Joe... said...

LOL! OH... I love games! Can I play???
I think I might be good at this one...
*gleeful clapping!
and Stanton?
I gave you a list... ;)

Megobuddy said...

With hands on hips, a raised eyebrow, and head cocked down and slightly to the left Megan says, "Did you and Melissa come up with these rules?"

Melissa Phelps said...

"Well... they're moore like guidlines than actual rules."

"Oh, oh, me! Pick me!"

"Don't look, doll. This could get hairy."

"Ok, I'm going to need 3 garbage bags, a shovel, latex gloves, some disinfectent and aregano!"

"A charming and delightful performance it was too."

"This is a very interesting situation we've got here."

She's onto us.

Sam said...

