Sunday, December 9, 2007

Fun, Frolic, Family, Friends, Food, & Fellowship

Sam, RuthAnn, Janette: We went to Old Navy and Starbucks last night. Found these hi-bounce balls in the kids section at ON. They were great, we bought a bunch and named them. I named mine William. RuthAnn named hers Frederick. Janette and I were eventually asked to be the godparents to Frederick. Alas, now because of child neglect, Janette and I are now filing for adoption for Frederick. We are going to court tomorrow. It's a sad and humorous story.

While we were out we got into this conversation: guys opening car doors for their friends, girlfriends, and wives. I state my view: Basically, its a medieval display of chivalry. I guess that's when this all started. Guys now are forever endowed to the ladies to open doors for them and be polite, and I'm all for it. Don't get me wrong. I believe that it's a sign of respect and it shows the girl that you love, care for, and respect her. However, here comes the problem: Arrogance. Oooh, big, bad and ugly. Well at least I think that's the word. Perhaps it's too strong, but some ladies wait for their husbands to open the door before they will even make a move to do anything. I'm not saying they're arrogant snobs, it only appears this way. Chivalry taken too far, perhaps, but who uses the word chivalrous anymore? My opinion is that a guy should open the door for a girl, and this should be a public sign of love and respect. However, I would want a wife who would say, "Honey, I can get it." and she would say this every once in a while, but still accept my graciousness. Essentially, the guy acts like a gentleman and then they become a loving couple. Through the years of dating and marriage the man should still on special occassions or randomly when he feels like it, go out of his way to open doors and make her feel special. Girls want this desperately. No its not just a medeival custom we are bound to, it's a demonstration of how we want to be treated by the way we treat the ladies, especially our very own. We [as men] know they should feel special and as long as the girl doesn't abuse this beautiful act, all is well and chivalry parades itself majestically. A gentleman opening the car door with the umbrella. His wife getting out...The man in a suit and shoes; The lady in a leather rain coat and boots. Running hand in hand in the rain to the store/restaraunt. This is what distinguishes the boys from the men. Oh, yes.

My family also came into town. Mother brought me chocolate cupcakes. Mmhmm. We viewed the college's Christmas program this evening and then went out to eat for Becky and I's birthdays. And for the lack of time, I cannot mention all my thoughts and the details. Wonderful weekend! I'm sick of the rain. I can't wait till my birthday and Christmas! So much left to do before finals. Pages to read, references to look up, reflection papers to write. I know everything I am going to do. Two minus factors: time and thought.

I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth. [my question is] How???

How does a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with my whole heart. Do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. 119



Becky Arnold said...

Very thought provoking. But I don't really think it is arrogance on the woman's part. What is wrong with expecting the man to open the door? I'm mean if you are waiting for more than a minute then that's rediculous! But waiting a few seconds is just allowing the man to be the man.

Sam said...

actually my friend said it was for a few minutes...there is nothing wrong with expecting the man to open the door, but theres a line that you can cross in taking it too far.

Anonymous said...

Hi!! I was checking Becky's blog to see if she has up-dated yet(she hasn't--crazy girl)and discovered your's. We had a very nice week-end. Thanks for allowing us to help celebrate your up-coming birthday. I was very glad to meet you and your wonderful family. Hope you have a wonderful week (even though it has possibilities of stress related responsibilities)We will be praying for you and your fellow classmates this week. Be assured that God is right there with you. Sue Arnold

Ike said...

(nodding head, stroking imaginary beard)
Yes..very interesting.