Friday, May 30, 2008

Chasing Kites and Thoughts of Eternity

I'm sitting on the steps of the concrete front porch with the wind gently brushing me and cars ocassionally whizzing by. It's so beautiful out here. There's just something about being in the country. I considered staying in Cinci for the summer, but I prayed about it for a while and felt God say, "Go home." I'm enjoying it here. I'm so grateful to be home for the summer. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, washed my filthy feet (from being in sandals all day) and washed my hair out before I came outside. I love that refreshing feeling.

I went today and met Mel and her siblings today with my brothers to go see the Chronicles of Narnia movie Prince Caspian. I enjoyed it and I thought it was pretty good. I'd give it a 7.3 rating. It had a good message; I liked it. The only detraction is that they used some thematic and stunt elements from other movies like Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Carribean which I thought was pretty lame. I believe my favorite part of the movie was where Susan, Peter, Edmund, Lucy and Prince Caspian are on the beach kneeling before Aslan. Aslan tells the kings and queens of Narnia to rise and four of them do, but Prince Caspian remains with head bowed and knees bent. Aslan states that told the kings and queens to rise. Prince Caspian says that he doesn't feel like much of a king after all he did. Aslan then replies that when he feels as such that is when he is most useful as king. You might have to see the movie to know what I'm talking about, but I really liked it. Also, another observation was the Narnian army. I noticed all the centaurs, animals, dwarves and humans as they were running out to battle. They were all sorts of shapes and sizes but they were fighting together, rushing headlong into battle in stark contrast to the regimentally marching Telmarine army. It reminded me of the body of Christ, and how we are all different, but still fighting together in this spiritual battle.

Afterwards we bought up some pizza and headed to the park. After eating, we flew a kite which we named Flo. We decided against naming it Stanley because we did not want the kite to fly away and be free. Mel even lost the kite and I had to go chasing after it. What fun. It was the second time in my life that I have flown a kite. The first time was when my dad showed me how to fly one when I was a kid. There is nothing like that feeling of the kite tugging on the line and watching it fly and dance around in the sky.

Now it's quiet out here. I'm left to the darkness and my thoughts. I've been thinking about how life is a vapor. I got into a serious discussion with a friend of mine on the phone earlier. Too often there's no clarity and I tend to lose my focus on life. Various things do this to me, it may just be movies, or music, or my friends. Not that those things in and of themselves are wrong, but I need to keep eternity in view. Furthermore, what am I doing that's making an ever after difference? Life is so short. I described it as being in a rocket ship. Our lives are like the journey in space and as we get older and older we see the earth slowly getting smaller and smaller. We forget that right outside our window, time is flying by at 18,000 miles per hour.

Yes, the country is so peaceful. I'm home and being driven to deep thoughts. I suppose college and the city swept that away with the busyness and noise. Lightning flashes in the distance. I'm going to bed now, still thinking.


Ike said...

dude, totally not fair!
wish i was there...
Mel and you need to come visit.

Sarah said...

Flying kites sounds like fun! I think I've only attempted to fly a kite once or twice. How true your thoughts on eternity is. Makes you stop and think.

Cease said...

Hey, I believe I am sharing being driven to deep thoughts... I have been doing a lot of thinking about so many different things. The country is beautiful, I have been so enjoying the weather! Being outside is the thing that I miss most about having to be in the city.
Tony T.

Alanna said...

Glad you liked Caspian. I can't wait to see it! And flying a kite just brings the kid out of you, doens't it? Just curious - Did you take Psychology last year? I just noticed it on your book list and was wondering. Keep thinking deep. I think sometimes we are way too shallow and stuck on this present world.

Sam said...

Flying a kite does bring out the kid in my heart.

And I did NOT take psychology last year, I'm taking it this fall. I'm working ahead on my reading when I do have the time that way I will have less reading this fall. I talked to someone in Pyschology class and I'm pretty sure I can get away with reading the textbook beforehand.

& thank you. I'll keep thinking deep. Trying to stir everyone to do that.

Anonymous said...

the makers of Prince Caspian kept to the original story in some ways and strayed in others... i heard they were going to make it into a silly pure-action flick, but thankfully this was not the case