Monday, July 7, 2008


Remember the days of cassette tapes and dial up? When you checked your email and read a book at the same time. I remember when the only way I listened to music was with a cassette tape. Of course I remember when we had 75 cents a gallon gas. Now we can say that those were the good old days, and I'm sure there's plenty of space for argument there, but we'll never get yesterday back again.

The past hold memories captive with regret rusting away at the bars
The future shines hope like a light in the distance on the darkest night
And the present lies between, with choice lying in front of us

Now, our days our filled with ipods and high speed. When we talk on the phone, text, and surf the internet all at the same time. I must confess, I don't really like texting. I try to say everything I can at once, by anticipating what will come next and summing things up as best as I can. I prefer to avoid text conversations and keep it short. Of course I have a limited number of texts per month, but I'm thinking about caving and getting more texts in my plan. However, I'm truly afraid that this will be my death in my resistance against technology. It's not that I hate it, on the contrary I love it. I have a laptop, ipod and cell phone. It's simply that I am not willing to be tied to them.

Oh, and for those of you who are comment hungry, I have the solution. Simply fall out of a tree, and post pictures of your injuries. I think I broke a comment record.



Blog of a College Student said...

I remember those days! And i do miss "the good ole days" sometimes, *sigh*..i wouldn't go back though, can you imagine doing all those years of school over again? I would die!! lol... anyways interesting post, very thought provoking...

Alanna said...

i laughed out loud when I read about checking email and reading a book! Totally understand! we just recently got high speed - so dial up wasn't that long ago! lol