Friday, July 18, 2008

Well, okay, so...

Admit it! They're cute. I have trouble saying this on the world wide web, but these animals are adorable. Little hedgehogs are cute. There, I said it. My friend is getting them for her college dorm. Crazy, huh? And last semester, the only thing my roommate raised was a bunch of cacti!

I've left town. I'm in PA. @ my church camp. I'm going back home tonight for an Alaskan salmon dinner at church, which promises to be very good. Then I go to Cleveland Saturday with a group of people to shine my light. Then all I have between is several things which must be done before youth camp.

I know I'm not the only one excited about AYC. I know Keith is excited about it. I asked Josh if he was pumped about it and he just shrugged. I am just trying to keep up with time as it flies by and we head into the weekend.

Church camp is quite an experience. It's in the high 80's - low 90's here and I thank God for the AC. We had to get a new one since our old one is dying, so I oversaw the switching operation yesterday. However, when we put the old one in the bedroom window it was not placed correctly. I awoke at 245-300 this morning because my brother was up and noticing the drip of water coming from the front of the air conditioner onto the bed. He and the bed got quite wet. I told him he shouldn't have wet the bed. We sponged it up and turned a fan on it before going back to bed. Managed quite a few hours of sleep.

I brought the sewing machine here too. Um, yes I sew. I'll admit it. I also cook, clean and do laundry, but I'm not taking any resumes. I'm actually perfecting the making of my messenger bag. This is my third one and I am slowly but surely improving the design and quality of the bag. Also, I'm familiarizing myself with the proper way to sew them without having to ask Mom questions at every step, which has proved to be fairly successful. I ran out of thread though so that projects on hold. Maybe I'll post some sewing pictures on here when it's done in case you don't believe me.

Bouncer is here too. She came up to my after the service and we exchanged numbers and she wanted a picture. She asked a bunch of questions about what I've been up to. We talked for a while till she had to run off.

A lot of memories, this place has. Oh the times of summer.

And now I'll stop being nostalgic and reminiscent and all that stuff...


Anonymous said...

yes yes.
indeed, i went and picked up Lola the hedge hog today =)
shes very content listening to her country music in her cage.
[im not joking]

Dorcas said...

I love your pictures of AYC!! I can't even believe it's that time again!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEE!! I can't wait :o)) You're going to be the TOP winner again. Just you wait and see!! Go Sambo!!

Alanna said...

That's a big birthday cake and a big trophy! Hope you have a great week.

Leanna said...

If I were your brother I would kill you for the crack about wetting the bed:) It was pretty funny, though.

Anonymous said...