Monday, February 18, 2008

I Must Blog

Yes, I must. I told Melissa that I would explain...It's snowing outside, the wind is whipping around, the snow is falling down, and as we exited the building with the weather in our faces all I could hear was the sound of wind and heels. Yes, that click-clack of high heels hitting the cement. A very cool sound, please don't misunderstand me. I attach no bad-connotation to it, but I think that the connotation is one of style, arrogance, and feminism. A "listen-to-my-heels-click" mentality. Granted, here at bible college, I would not accuse any girl of this notion. In our modern culture stylish, sexy, and feministic (femi-nazi) are what goes, and perhaps that is what I associate it with - forgive me. It is simply what pops into my head when I hear the sound. Just like I will not eat Tilapia (very good tasting type of fish) anymore because the last time I ate it I was very sick and lost it. It is the whole sound-image/action pyschology thing.

Blasted snow won't stick to the ground! Today's weather was very weird. It snowed all day and barely any of it stuck to the ground. The temperature is hovering around freezing so that any snow we got melted. This gives the snow turning into water effect, and the sun shining while it snows. Also, while it was snowing I heard a loud peal of thunder and Mylon said that he saw a flash of a snow storm! No, I'm not kidding. Now my intelligent guess is that being that it was snowing, but fairly warm all day, the warm temperature collided with the cold snow and created the thunder/lighning. I mean, isn't that how thunderstorms start, warm and cold air coming together. Thereby causing a tornado/blizzard. So now we have powdered sugar in the grass, and the wind is still whipping and snowflakes and sporadicaly dancing through the air as the night begins.

So I preach for the first time in my life tomorrow. Topical sermon on selfishness. Opening joke/quote, a few examples with text from the Bible on selfishness, an illustration and a main text with application at the end. Should go well (with God's help).

So do you ever get those feelings of confusion, where you don't know what you just said or why you said it. I do. I confuse myself. Things were particularly crazy studying for my Physical Science test in the library with Vita and Leanna tonight. Let's just say that.

Oh look. I got my hair cut.

I love how everyone states the obvious. It's so amusing. "Oh, you got your hair cut." "I see you got your hair cut." "Did you get your hair cut?" "Wow, your hair's gone." D-U-H. I have been thinking of various responses to give to people when they comment about my sudden "loss of hair" or rather decrease in length of hair follicles on my head. My general response has been, "I lost my wig." or "Delilah did it." In fact, I am quite worried that Philistines will pop around the corner at any moment and take my weak body captive and pluck my eyes out! Agh, oooh! The good news that is that I have had a few people compliment me on my cut. However, there was one unhappy soul who was not elated but shocked at my hair cut, he said that he liked it long. Oh well. The deed's been done. Mr. Parriman even asked who I was. Here are the general responses: "Hey, you got your hair cut." or "Hey, I like your hair. Looks good." or "Is that you? I didn't even recognize you at first."

Okay now that I've rambled on about my hair cut...

Winter break is almost here. What do you think about that?



Ike said...


Alanna said...

What thought comes into your head when you hear a guy's dress shoes go "click clack?" Sometimes they do, you know. It always freaks me out a little when I hear a guys shoes go "click clack!"