Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Poetry, Prose and Yiddish

Thought I'd post some poetry and prose.


White flags all over the battleground
Bodies and dirt strewn all around
There lies self fallen down
Little white flags on battleground


Drama, or indeed any presentation [textual, visual, audibal] (especially in ministry) needs to have these three criteria met in order to be truly effective. It must first be entertaining. An entertaining presentation engages the audience and arouses interest in the subject you are presenting. Secondly, it must be enlightening. By enlightening we mean that the presentation must increase the knowledge and understanding of the audience, specifically in a spiritual manner. Finally, the presentation must be inspiring, which causes the individual to take the information he receives and put it into practice. It is essentially a call to action. If any one of these things are lacking, the presentation won't be as powerful as it should be. Without these three dimensions any drama, speech, or presentation would not reach its full potential, and would render it defective and unfulfilling.

-I.W. Owens
-S.L. McConkey
-N.D. Sams

"Shaineh raineh keporah"
"Nothing to regret"



Melissa Phelps said...

Let's hear it for Yiddish... Huzzah! So I've been meaning to blog about yiddish... guess u beat me too it.

Sam said...

isn't Huzzah British, not yiddish?