Sunday, March 30, 2008

I Rant:

Why are we content in our own little world? Selfish. Oh yes, selfish my friend. To have this gospel and not be sharing it. To be content with what life gives us. To be satisfied with the way we were raised. To squash our dreams with the status quo around us. Where are the trend-setting, non-conformist, revolutionary dreamers? Why are we not catching a fire and letting it burn within? Oh, I am so tired with the culture I inhabit. I despise the fact that people are not doing it the way it's never been done before. Just too eager to be nominal! I've never read of nominality in Scripture. We weren't created for the average. We are not vanilla ice cream people! Oh, but that's fine, that's exactly where Satan wants us. He's smiling you know.



Sarah said...

wow, how true this really is. We are exactly where Satan wants us to be at.

Leanna said...

Being here at GBS is a really good start, you know. I'm sure if you stay alert to the apathy that can so quickly overtake God will help you avoid that trap:) Thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

OH Sam, so true.
"Let me not sink to be a clod,
Make my Thy fuel, Flame of God." (A. Charmichael)

Thank you for writing this. How blessed to know that there are other people who want to shake awake these living dead around us!
May God give us His children humble, grieving, and actively revolutionary hearts.