Monday, January 26, 2009


Conversation in dorm hallway:

Brennan: (upon exiting from dorm room and encountering Phil & Sam in hallway) "Hey, how are the Greek students?"

Sam: (answers for himself) "Good!"

Phil: (comments about difficulty of Greek IB)

Brennan: (who is no longer in Greek after completing one semester) "I feel like the loser and the rebel, and it feels good."

Sam: (who is in Greek IB) "I feel like the man who persevered, and it feels better."

Brennan and Sam both laugh.

Brennan and Phil exit hallway right.

Sam exits hallway left, and blogs.


Ike said...

If I may make a suggestion?
Change the name of your blog. I'm thinking "It's A Greek Life" or "A Greek Geek".

Perhaps "Up Koine Greek without a lexicon"?

Sam said...

I laughed out loud and uproariously to your "Up Koine Greek without a lexicon" suggestion. That is funny!

However, I'm sorry, Isaac (and to all) for blogging heavily about Greek IB. Although, being that the blog is titled "All these thoughts in my head" and Greek just happens to be swarming in my head this semester. I suppose it's relevant.

And I shall not recant.

Stanton said...

Shane enters from hallway right (theoretically speaking), observes there's no one there who is in Greek IIB with him, and congratulates the non-existent people on their demonstration of sensible thinking in not taking that class.

After pondering that congratulatory statement, he realizes it's not really true but he enjoys talking to empty hallways so maybe you should walk away and let him be. You don't want to catch anything....

Megobuddy said...

I like the title, Sam. It sounds so...melancholy.

Not that it necessarily reflects the mood of your post. But it reflects my mood right now.

Two Words: Science Lab. (AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!)

Wow! That really does work! (Promptly sniffs lavender chamomile lotion.)

Melissa Phelps said...

I have no response to that.