Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our Attempts at Profundity and Levity

Under the due advice of Mel to blog about this, I have pondered what those artists of past centuries were thinking of when they painted those famous paintings, or set up the scene for great photographs.

The Lord's Supper? I can just see the painter..."Okay, Phillip can you lean in a little bit more?" "John, put your arm around Jesus....yea, that's it." "Hey Andrew move your hand a little more to the, your left...yea, that's good."

Or maybe Washington crossing the Delaware? Okay George, put your knee right here...yea, like your looking out over the river. What are you doing with the flag? Hey, you with the oar, yea...kinda have an intense look on your face, and everyone else look cold!"

Robert E. Lee with his horse Traveller? Yea, okay, Mr. Lee for this shot I want you to just look out over the horizon...yea, good...Hey! Hey! Stupid horse. I'm sorry General Lee, it's just...Hey!"


Dorcas said...

You are too funny!!

Alanna said...

lq (laughing quietly) as opposed to lol :)

TKB said...

I'm loving the General Lee pic...even if we did lose. :D

Melissa Phelps said...

Who was attempting to be profound?
And what I'd like to know is
Who posed for picasso?
Oh, wait, it was Mr. Potato Head. I got it now.