Saturday, April 19, 2008

Gazebo Again

Spending some time, well, enjoying some time here at Eden Park, at the gazebo again. Seth, Mel, Lana, Ike, and I are all studying, based on the decision that we wanted to go outside with our blankets and accomplish some homework. We sarcastically commented that we were coming simply coming strictly to study. This was said with slurred speech, smirks, and smiles. They are having an "adventure race" in the park today. The costumes are crazy. I believe first place goes to the two man team with burgundy bedsheets complete with winged camouflage hats. Second place goes to the couple with yellow shirts each individually and appropriately titled, "Macaroni" and "Cheese". Third place goes to the red outfitted couple with blue and white hair (to which Mel replied, "That's not real [hair]?").

Le is pondering why she is writing an essay. Mel and I retorted with a list. (Which is a great thing to do in case anyone ever asks any kind of question.)

Why Leanna Is Writing An Essay

1. Christian worldview (no idea what that means)
2. Good life experience (it's broadening)
3. It helps us think deeply about surface ideas
4. You'll thank me later, in other words, why not?
5. Increases creativity
6. Grade, passing college, general life happiness (because Mr. Profitt said so)
7. You'll probably learn to enjoy it. If not, you'll get over it

And here is the poem I promised on a realist's look on spring and the falling flower petals in Eden Park in Cincinnati...

A Realist's Look

Springtime snow
Little white petals falling
Blooming trees in spring
Blossoms bloomed
Trees are doomed
To die
But wait real quick
Before you pass judgment
They die every year
Morbid? No
Let's not begin another poem on death
Life may be a vapor
But it's also trees blooming in spring
From seeming dead trees
Little green buds appear
Symbols of spring here
Pink, lilac, and white
Trees in color bloom
Erasing all doom
That the winter brought
So before accusations
Of morbidity and pessimism
The truth of realism
Lies in the fallen dying petals
Life may be a vapor
But it's also trees blooming in spring


Alanna said...

the poem is beautiful --- how DO you do that??? You creative people, you! :-)

Leanna said...

The more I read that least the more you sound like my mother...:)

Leanna said...

Sorry I'm a little out of it right now and not truly responsible for my typing skills- that was list... list, I say...